2024 Education Concert Reservation - Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You (An introduction to the instruments of the orchestra)

  • Register Now: Complete the form below. You will receive a confirmation email shortly. Fields marked with an * are required.
  • Please provide the county your school is located . If you know the school district also provide. (E.g., Hamilton Co./ North College Hill City School District)
  • If you are not the teacher, please indicate, with a comma after your last name and your title/association. (e.g., Williamson, PTO Field Trip Coordinator etc.)
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
    Foundations and funders of the KSO's education offerings ask us to report aggregated information on participants. Your individual school information is not shared with the public. If your schools doesn't participate in the federal free/reduced lunch program, then please include the percentage of students who receive tuition assistance. Lunch assistance measures can be obtained through your school's head of Food Service.
  • Please choose one date/time
  • Please provide the number of students who will participate or watch the program
    Please enter a number from 1 to 1000.
  • Please indicate the grades of participating students
  • Please provide the number of adults who will attend or watch the program
    Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.