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Swan Songs

(The two final works of Wagner and Bruckner)

7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16, 2024
Greaves Concert Hall, NKU

Near the end of their lives, two master Romantic period composers penned reflective, spiritual masterpieces: Wagner’s final opera seeks the Holy Grail; Bruckner dedicated his last symphony to “Almightly God.”

On The Program

Click to Preview the evening’s program

Richard Wagner

Constructed by Andrew Gourlay

Selections from Parsifal Suite

Act I Prelude
Act II Prelude
Act I Transformation music
Act III Transformation music
Act III Finale

U.S. Premiere

Anton Bruckner Symphony No. 9 in D Minor (unfinished)
Edition by Leopold Nowak I. Feierlich, misterioso
II. Scherzo: Bewegt, lebhaft Trio. Schnell
III. Adagio: Langsam, feierlich

Concert Sponsored by :

Single Tickets
– A seats: $35
– B seats: $27
– C seats: $19
– Children (18 and under): 50% off

– Ticket sales subject to processing and handling: $1.50 per ticket plus credit card merchant fee 3.5%. Mailing an additional $1.15 if requested.



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Processing and handling for on-line purchase: 3.5% credit card fee plus $1.50 web service fee.

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