June 30, 2020-September 12, 2020
Kentucky Symphony Orchestra Re-Opens
Nothing is more important than the health and safety of our community members. We take seriously our responsibility as a civic institution that serves the public good. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the KSO temporarily closed between March 13 and June 30, 2020. The KSO Board of Directors believes that health and safety are important factors in striving to meet our goals. The KSO’s mission is to culturally enrich, educate and entertain the residents of Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati through unique and innovative presentations designed to make symphonic music:
Attractive: Presenting creative programming in a continually evolving and entertaining format appealing to a socially diverse audience;
Accessible: Eliminating traditional (real and perceived) barriers associated with orchestras and by actively reaching out to the community through free public concerts, educational programs and subsidiary group performances, while remaining
Affordable: Promoting symphonic music as a financially viable and engaging entertainment option for all members of the community.
An important aspect of fulfilling the KSO’s mission remains the KSO’s annual Summer Series programs in the parks. After careful consideration, planning and in compliance with the KY’s Healthy at Work guidelines, the KSO will present its 26th Summer Series at the Tower Park amphitheater in Fort Thomas, beginning on July 11.
KSO General Manager, Angela Williamson, is responsible for creating and implementing the COVID-19 response plan. She is coordinating with the City of Fort Thomas, and staying apprised to information from experts in the cultural field, reviewing internal policies, and following CDC and KY mandates.
On July 1, 2020 the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra’s administrative offices will re-open operating Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 p.m. Any person planning to visit the office should call 859-431-6216 to schedule an appointment.
The Kentucky Symphony is committed to the safety of our musicians, staff and audience. The City of Fort Thomas and the KSO have implemented the following safety measures for the Summer Series programs:
- KSO’s staff, musicians and volunteers will wear face masks and encourage the audience to do the same. In some instances, volunteers may also wear plastic face shields.
- Volunteers who handle cash, concessions and programs will be wearing gloves.
- Proper physical distancing measures will be in place. Those who do not live in the same household should maintain 6 feet distance, including but not limited to while awaiting entrance to the restrooms and food truck lines.
- Programs have been chosen to reduce the number of musicians allowing them to maintain physical distancing on stage.
- KSO staff, musicians and volunteers whose temperature exceed 100.4F or have any other symptoms of the Coronavirus will not be permitted to remain on site, and must produce a negative test for the Coronavirus before returning.
- The KSO is providing hand sanitizer, at each feather flags, during shows in the Tower Park amphitheater.
- Increase the frequency of restroom cleaning per CDC recommendations.
- At risk audience members are invited to attend the dress rehearsal in the park at 10:30 a.m. on each scheduled performance date. We also plan to live-stream concerts.
Every staff member, volunteer and patron has a voice as we plan and implement increased health and safety measures. We want all our stakeholders to inform themselves of our plans and to respect the safety measures put in place. We are open to feedback and ideas to ensure attendees increased health and safety.