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This program was performed live December 14, 2024 but can still be purchased for virtual viewing.  (Sales will end December 25, 2024).   The video can be viewed through January 24, 2025.   One virtual pass gives you repeated access through January 24, 2025.

As performed — 7:30 p.m. Saturday, December 14, 2024
Greaves Concert Hall, NKU

The KSO presented the 1984 special edition Carpenters Christmas Portrait album live last year as a memorable yuletide event. This year, vocalist Denise Parroco returns, as KSO arranger Terry LaBolt adds three more Carpenters tunes from their 1978 Christmas recording for a 75-minute evening of secular, sacred, traditional, pop and classical music forever associated with the season.  Join Denise, the KSO and choir for a nostalgic, feel-good Christmas songfest exclusively with the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra.

What audiences said last year —

“KSO is a great orchestra! Loved Denise Parroco, She was top notch & really captured Karen’s sound and style.” — Mary Kay M., Cincinnati, OH

“I have never heard as many rave audience reviews, as we experienced exiting the KSO Merry Christmas, Darling concert.” —David A., Ft Thomas, KY

“The KSO’s Carpenters’ Christmas program was perhaps the best Christmas program I have ever attended. And I have not missed a CSO Christmas concert in 40 years.”— Richard M., Cincinnati, OH


Denise Parroco       Listen to Denise sing Merry Christmas, Darling


Single Tickets —  (No longer available, this event was held December 14, 2024)
– A seats: $35
– B seats: $27
– C seats: $19
– Children (18 and under): 50% off

– Ticket sales subject to processing and handling: $1.50 per ticket plus credit card merchant fee 3.5%. Mailing an additional $1.15 if requested.

Enjoy the “best” seats in the house at $5 off per concert with one low processing fee.  Subscription to four remaining programs $130.

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