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7:30 p.m. Friday, March 28, 2025
Greaves Concert Hall, NKU

Since 2000 The KSO has collaborated with UK and CCM’s Opera Theater programs to bring concert grand opera to NKY with complete performances of Tosca, Otello, La Boheme, Rigoletto, Samson and Delilah, and Turandot to rave reviews.

Teaming up for the first time with NKU’s School of the Arts (SOTA) and their music, theater, dance and prep departments, the KSO and SOTA will bring Georges Bizet’s Carmen to Greaves Concert Hall for two performances with a cast and orchestra of 200. Nationally and internationally acclaimed leads Kirstin Chávez (Carmen), Richard Trey Smagur (Don José), and Morgan Smith (Escamillo) will join the partnership for this semi- staged, concert presentation of Carmen in French with projected English supertitles. Plenty of “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves” — just no Cher.


“American Mezzo Kirstin Chávez is the Carmen of a Lifetime” — Opera News


                                    On the Program

Georges Bizet Carmen (complete)

Single Tickets — Available Jan 27
– A seats: $35
– B seats: $27
– C seats: $19
– Children (18 and under): 50% off

– Ticket sales subject to processing and handling: $1.50 per ticket plus credit card merchant fee 3.5%. Mailing an additional $1.15 if requested.


Processing and handling for on-line purchase: 3.5% credit card fee plus $1.50 web service fee.

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