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(Not from the Beatles’ White Album)

7:30 p.m. Saturday, January 25, 2025
Greaves Concert Hall, NKU

The KSO recalls the seige of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg — Russia’s second largest city), where and when Dmitri Shostakovich’s war time Symphony No. 7 was premiered. The image of a patron buying a ticket to the premiere, as Axis troops surrounded and bombarded the city for 900 days, is a testament to the arts’ impact and the will of people to persevere and survive. Sergei Prokoviev’s War and Peace Overture fittingly opens the program.

On the Program

Sergei Prokofiev War & Peace Overture
Dmitri Shostakovich Symphony No. 7 (Leningrad)


Single Tickets – On Sale Dec 15
– A seats: $35
– B seats: $27
– C seats: $19
– Children (18 and under): 50% off

– Ticket sales subject to processing and handling: $1.50 per ticket plus credit card merchant fee 3.5%. Mailing an additional $1.15 if requested.



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